Lately I been acting against my heart because I want to give this friend an easier ride on decision that she have chosen to unfriend me. Though it hurts a lot inside me but I think its best. If that is her decision to decide the value of “friendships”. Coldness and losing the value of life comes from it. Family is always important, but when we define what’s blood and whats not. Friends kill each other over many weird things. At the end no matter what time of friendship it is we’re just human beings.
We decide what friendship is. We decide the value of friendship. Friendship takes understanding one another and willing to accept ones past and forgive what has been done.
As a friend, I see her as a friend no matter what she have decide. As a friend I will act, react, and make it easier to hate me to death. I hope that after I die you will read my journal before my website goes down. After I die, I hope you will read it before my server runs out of money so you will understand that my intention was never bad. It was to help you succeed. I’m willing to become your stepping stop to lead you to your happiness.
Beside all the painful things I have to walk everyday. Now I have to keep my eyes and ears open. Somethings coming up my way…..I should be recieving my important mail today.