Finally at last I received an abandon letter from my own brother. If he wanted to abandon me then its fine. I lived this far and if I’m going to be abandon by my own brother because of his car being taken back then let it be.
He ask me to stop talking with him so I’ll do what he wishes. Life is just like that.
Sometimes own family members stab each other because they are done using each other. Same like life, some time you meet the wrong people and wrong person. When they are done using you they’ll just stab you in the behind. But still theres plenty of people out there that are true tot he heart.
Well thats my story of the week. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world theres always conflicts. Being innocent stepping into the world is the best thing. We rather see the cuteness in the world then the ugliness.
As I started my life in college and begin to see the real world. It gets sick as we try to understand why the things happen the way it does. Every night you lay back and see TV commercial selling products that enhance the fact. Telling people that they could make million when they buy the product. Its only $29.99, $199, $299, $499, so on is all false. If everyone can get rich easy like that then there wouldn’t be a different between the rich and the poor. Life is just like that. Theres plenty of people that trick each other to gain benefits for one.
Once they are done using you they tend to abandon you. I was a victim of it. Flogao promised a 25% of the website when sold, but the owner took all to himself. I started as a 1/3 of and I was abandon after it got its success.
And now…. my own brother abandon me because of own life difficulties. He has his reason to be slacking all his life…hope one day he can take a breath and understand what I have to go through being the oldest in the house.
Sometime you just wish……just wish that my older brother hasn’t die so he could take on the burden of being the oldest.
I’m meant to be the middle brother not the oldest….
Cardin Nguyen