After Invincible AznX was banned from rubera for massive macro-spear training! I decided to start a new character called “Mocular Xar” in 2004 I believe (sorry dont remember dates – its too far back)
Mocular Xar was created on Solera with families that left wtih me from Rubera. Invincible AznX followers came along and created new characters.
The Xars family came into power as soon as Solera was release. Mocular became well known through out the server and was once again the Top pally of that server within the first week the server was release.
What I meant by top Pally is top DISTANCE. While everyone was 40+ levels ahead of Mocular Xar. I kept training and training and training.
The Magical Number:
Distance Advanced to 100
– After Xantera I learned that training is the best thing of the game. I trained all the way to distance 100
Mocular Xar trained with trolls. While I was training with Trolls ; I leveled druids/knights to support Mocular Xar needs for cash. It’s also the best way I can MC and hunt monsters (In the future post I’ll show you pictures of Cadel Turi’el life complete)
The Addict
The hunger for power in Tibia grew like a werewolf. I coudln’t stop training! At this point in my life I have become an Tibia-a-holic. As soon as I wake up in the morning with no job; first before brushing my teeth would be logining on Tibia or checking if my characters is ok. I usually log on after server save to train. Somedays I’ll forget but heck “Mocular Xar” has the most Insonamics!
The Addiction
– the addiction isnt the hunger for power now. I realize its the way we chat in tibia. Its fun listening to people.
– before going anywhere I would sign on tibia and listen to moron’s around thais bitch at each other like dogs waiting for some winnies.
– its even fun watching a lvl 11 chase after a lvl 16 with hmms shooting. It just funny how the broken english dude (probably Brazillian) chasing and yelling
“Mi kill you! Run run!”
The Ban
Once again I was ban on Mocular Xar
1st: massie killing during war
2nd: using TibiaBot
3nd = Deletion ; using tibiabot
See you guys in next week post about “Cadel Turi’el” that includes pictures of all Cadel’s life!