After working for Nancy Lynn for over a year we decide its time to meet and finish up Corset Connection new website. I’m flying out to Fullerton California May 4-7 and then to New York for a business trip! I’ve been very busy trying to raise up this income! This is just a short status Continue reading →
I bought & at the same time back in 1996 when I stole my Uncle Hoa credit card back in the days. (yah yah I’m bad! I was an internet addict). I took his credit card becuase my family no one had credit card. I theifed his credit card just to buy domain. Continue reading →
Well as I sit here watch the forum everyday. It makes me proud at how we fight to get back on our foot. With all the stabs and kicks we encounters we fell so many times but we manage to get right back up. I can’t say more then thank you to all for the Continue reading →
Well after working on Tibia Fans hard for nearly two months. I realize it gets tough trying to bring back members. People always want to do something speicla. Thats whats wrong with this world. We cant always keep up2date with everything. People these days dont like to workon groups. They tend to break apart just Continue reading →
Cadel Turi’el (created Jun 29 2004 Day Xantera was released) – Cadel is my master piece after 2 tries of creating top characters Invincible Aznx & Mocular Xar. – this is also when I realize that my life doesn’t only revovle around Tibia. But I enjoy playing the game. It’s where I can hide from Continue reading →