chìa khoá thi không đáng giá bao nhiêu nhưng thời gian thi không còn = Key is worthless but life we don’t have much of it left.
Well lately i been traveling back and forth from Bellingham to Seattle nearly every 2-3 days. I spent a half hour or so everyday talking with Thao. I met up with her a few days ago too. Quite happy that anh Long and Chi Thao happy. Her son Cody is about the same age as my son. He’s a bit younger but he’s a lot bigger then my son. My son has such a bad habit eating. I’m trying to read up on books how to change his habits. Hmm well lets move on. Today topic is key we open doors with. A key is sometimes worthless but its worth more then anything in the world. Sometimes we hold it in our hands which is the answer to everything in the world. During my past marriage I took alot of pictures and she recorded alot of videos. Today after doing a security check on my computer and server shows that i have been so weak the past few months. Since I was so busy fighting for custody I left my computer alone. Alot of life videos, pictures, and important documents has been stolen off my computer. God this is gonna be hell trying to dig it up. that sucks…browsed a few website I saw myself up there already. Ahhh saw a picture of me sleeping on my desk when John and Thu took a picture of me sleeping in class in High School. Ahh those are so sos embarassing pictures. There’s CRAP load more pictures that are embarassing! ahhh I hate hack! Pictures of my x-wife, son, family are all over the place…ahhhhhh Da basta that hack my computper is gonna be tough to find!
Enough of the hack chitchat about being hacked! I’m quite happy going to work, write codes, and being at home with my son. Atleast all my money goes to my son not clubs and parties. When my x-wife talks about how she only want to be with my son on monday-wednesday it makes me sick. Weekend is her call-girl days! Quite sad isn’t it? God, I ain’t no slave to be around always on call on her demand. That’s her problem if she cant meet her son on weekend. Stop being prostittute/call girl then she got plenty of time in the world. god god it makes me mad. Meh…..moving on..thats just a feeling..haha enough guys later…….I’m getting old. gotta quit complaining……I’ll try to type a better journal next time.
“Tuyet-Vong – Ly Hai ” – I choosed this song for this journal because it upset me from time to time to think about life. But then theres nothing to be upset about. I’m not a dog to be push around and wait to be called on demand. I’m going after my life and all my money goes toward my son life. Good thing is that I hid my money through out my life. Life you always want to work out a way out for yourself so you wont be mssed up. But then learning to let go is the best thing in the world! .