Well today is just another day. My brother Nghia being stupid like usual. He didn’t know the whole story and don’t care to know the whole story. He came over and punched me because we fought with mom (argue that is). Well what ever happens hes still my brother. But what hurts most is hearing what he said . I’m not his brother. Oh well.. Anyways another said news which seem to be lies from his mouth. He said Thuy left him because we didn’t respect her parents when we went to Vietnam for my wedding. Honestly, that’s a bunch of BS. If they don’t respect us why do we have to respect them correct? Well we did respect them. We never said more words.
Oh well, my brother Nghia Nguyen is only 24 and still has lots to grow. He has no reasoning so when he get stuck he say “I don’t care”. He don’t give a shit about dad. He just doesn’t know right from wrong. OH well.
I feel pettie for my brother Nghia. Short brained…..hope he grows some day. A-men