It’s been sometimes now that I haven’t update what’s going on. When I first met Ngoc-Tran Nguyen I lived at 529 32nd St Apt 27. Now after kicking after 5 years getting marry and lived with Ms. Tran she finally kicked my son and I back to square 1. Back then I made a lot of money. After she found her new boyfriend she think that my son and I won’t be able to make the same amount of money anymore. So she kicked us out and I had to go back to the same building that I lived when I met my x-wife. I’m currently living at 529 32nd St Apt 43. I must be very lucky with number 7 since 27 ryhmes with 4+3 number 7. My x-wife is such a good liar turning everyone that we known against me. Beauty sure does make a different. But there is two type of beauty. Appearance beauty and inner beauty.
Videos – [ame=””]My Apartment 9-21-2009[/ame]
Pictures –…p/homeless2009
I included a link of how I slept the last three weeks. My xwife took everything we had worked together over the last year. Kicked my son and I out with just our clothes. We sleep like this every day. The pictures was taken by my friend secretly. It was tough fighting all the pressure over the last few weeks but finally I got my own places.
After getting this apartment I cried a lot because I lost so much. But deep down in my heart it made me happy because I have freedom. After tears fell down my face I realize “this is where I started, now I’m back at same place that I started”. My x-wife use her body/appearance to get money. Now that I am no use to her she is trying to fix herself. Always talking about implants now she decided to use her body again to get other guys who have money. <sigh> Oh well my only objective right now is making it through another day with my son. Nothing means more to me now then making it a happy day for my son. After all these fights I realize that’s it to the meaning of life. Living another day and making it a wonderful day. Doesn’t matter how much money you have or what you have. Working together during the hard time is what’s important.
Only different now is that I am at the same place paying the same rent $540~-ish a month , plus in exchange for all the money I had over the year for a wonderful son Nguyen Thanh Trieu. I just can’t believe how a mother who could give birth to such a wonderful son could give him up for riches. I do feel sad for her. Whoever she is sleeping around with has been posting a lot of naked/porno videos of her on megaporn and youporn websites. When I was told about it; it just tore my heart because either she doesn’t care for herself or she doesn’t realize its being done. I don’t want to break it to her but I’ll let her discover that for herself. But its sicken when my friends show me links to her. When I clicked on those link it just breaks my heart so much that she is selling her body for money. Why can’t we work out our differences? But then its too late right now to do. A-men, Whatever happen I do pray that she find the money that her family and her is looking for.
After looking at the video are you guys happy with what I accomplish? I got an apartment. I bought a Futon that cost $119 for my son and I. Then other households stuff to get started. Now I’m missing a TV. I don’t have a TV yet so everyday I would let my son use my computer and watch videos that I downloaded off the net. I also been watching It has cartoon networks on there.
Well anyways friends! That’s the update on my life for now. I have added a videos section for my life that’s hosted in and original files are hosted on my website. I think that pictures aren’t enough to tell a life so adding videos is important task too.