Sorry guys for not updating you guys at all! It’s been hectic this 2012-2013 trying to get my life back on track.
After working at for 3.5 years now. I have just have left the job to head back to school. It’s so true hearing many stories from other people who left jobs. It’s hard leaving a job that you put a lot of hours over the years. On the day I decide its time to head back to school, I decide to give my two weeks notice, but asked a friend of my boss how to say good bye than I removed myself complete access to Corset Connection files from Domains, FTP, Files, GoDaddy, and Server access. I was afraid that after you’re done being used a lot of bad things would go around. I figured Bosses always have double faces. They say one thing in front of you and than say something else behind you. I tried my best to avoid this by disconnecting myself so there’s no finger pointing! Over the years I saw so many new employees and so many left with the same stories. I guess I’m on the same path. At this point I can’t say anything but shake my head and walk off. <sigh> I tried my best and heart.
Well now onto the good news! I applied to Evergreen State College! It feels good to be on campus and getting away all these negativity!