Wow it's been quite sometime now! Time sure flies! It's almost october again! One more year older! Now I finally understand why people always say enjoy it while it last. Lately I've been helping my brother Nghia get into the webhosting business. He has problems trusting so its hard to jump into a business that he can't learn to trust. I know theres alot of problems but there's always chance you have to take. I'm having a hard time teaching him becuase he can't learn to trust. But then he come to me. He must trust me to some extend…
I'm very happy also! My son is learn how to talk now! He's copying what I say even though its not clear but its decent enough for you to hear!
I've been getting alot of headache lately. Lots of bad news comes after another one! ahhhhhhhhh..more shopping to do! ahhhhh..
I just woke up! Don't have anything else to say.
Aiyahhh lai tiem mot tuoi nua! Nam nay sao nghe nhieu chuyen met wa……1 thang truoc da nhuc dau…tuan nay la nhuc nhat…….aiiyahhhh….nguoi viet minh hay noi dung nen yeu..yeu roi kho lam…..bay gio Cardin moi biet that ra song mot minh suong nhat. Nhung bay gio da yeu roi nhung biet lam sao……yeu nguoi khong nen yeu mot ban nhac cua Khanh Phuong hat nghe hay lam. Cac ban nghe roi noi cho Cardin biet hay khong cardin @ …mong nguoi nghe se hieu duoc sao dang ong khoc…
Background Song – "Yeu Nguoi Khong Nen Yeu – Khanh Phuong"